Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Friday June 20
Castle Howard

Well, this was a perfect end to a very busy touring week! Castle Howard is absolutely beautiful and so very peaceful and relaxing! We had several UK friends touring with us again today and that was so nice to have them along. We were able to tour inside the Castle and the grounds as well. The gardens there are like nothing I have ever seen before. We all wandered around at our own pace and really weren't ready to leave when the motor coach came for us! Certainly a place we will all want to visit again!

The singers all had a free night whilst (new English word) John took Kevin and I and Molly to a rehearsal for a song for the the vocal coaches. Tim Allen (and Toni) were kind enough to host the rehearsal and fixed quite an array of food for us all. The song we are singing is called "Hear My Song" and Gary did a beautiful arrangement of it for us all. Nine of us are singing it and Kevin and I are excited to be a part of this very talented group of UK vocal coaches, or VCs as they say here.

While we've been here, we've had some celebrations! Last Monday, Jen and Jason celebrated their first wedding anniversary and Barbara and Juan celebrated their 29th. What better place to celebrate?


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeri - it was a real pleasure to have you, Kevin and Molly come visit us that night - we had a great time. I loved singing with you, and hope we get chance to do it again sometime soon - if only that pesky Atlantic wasn't in the way!

Much love,


Anonymous said...

I am still LOVING all the pictures! How did you wind up with such gorgeous weather???

Sharon H.