Monday, 16 June 2008

I know everyone has been waiting for word from England, but believe me, there has not been time to type even a short message and internet connections are sometimes hard to come by when you’re traveling!
I posted last on Friday night and we hadn’t really done much yet at that point. Since then things have really picked up and I don’t know how to fit it all in!!

Saturday was a free day for the singers and they explored all around Leeds. Many had a chance to visit the Armouries Museum, some enjoyed shopping while others went to the Victorian arcades – and then there were a few who made their way over to Leed’s Town Hall to “make sure it’s ready for us”.

The Ball was absolutely amazing and I find it hard to even put into words. I had the singers share with me what they thought of it all.

Peggy Moon – Exquisite! More elegant than I could have realized.

Kathleen Devitt – I was amazed at the friendliness of the UK people! I felt a real sense of “family”. (Kathleen and Peggy also enjoyed a meal at the Pack Horse Pub, dining on Yorkshire Pudding and Steak and Ale Pie.)

Barbara Saldarriaga – As they say in England, “brilliant!” The high point for me was when everyone sang together, “Starlight Express”. There was such an emotional bond in the room.

Barbara Watson – Magnificent! It was so special to be treated like royalty! The UK people treated us so well and everything was so well organized.

David and Bernice Andrews – Everything was so well orchestrated. Somehow between noon and 7:00 pm the room was transformed to look like a million bucks. It was a class act!

\George and LeJeune Smith – We were thrilled with the friendliness of the Brits at our table – especially John’s mum and dad. (George was dressed in his full Abraham Lincoln costume and caused quite a stir! He posed for many pictures on Saturday night. He has portrayed Abe Lincoln in over 750 presentations, but said this is the first time Lincoln has been to the UK!!)

Richard McKee – Had a “Ball”! The amount of people and enthusiasm reached out and pulled you into the family.
Shelby McKee – Everything reminds me of a song and this evening reminded me of “Hello Dolly” when she sings, “We’ve got elegance”. This was the most elegant event I’ve ever been to!

Marge Gehring – I could never have imagined singing “Starlight Express” with over 550 fellow singers and even more stars twinkling on the walls above us. Beautiful centerpieces and elegant decorations!

Elaine Zurowski – I was impressed with the chair covers! It was all so well planned. Singing “Starlight” and “Bohemian Raphsody” gave me goosebumps.

\Marie Brancato – It was great to feel like a celebrity. Even with our different accents, our voices joined together beautifully.

Sarai Cowin – Behind every successful man is a very tired woman! Linda and her team were amazing – everyone was so committed to put it together. We are part of one great Sing Live family! Everyone went out of their way to welcome us. Some even asked to be pen pals! In traveling together, we have become connected to individuals outside of rehearsal. It’s great to really get to know each other.

Marcia Dawson – The sparkling lights seemed to match the sparkling people! Singing “Starlight” together was amazing. The UK people are delightful!

Marcia Bowen – I enjoyed the one on one time with John Morris. It was very special that he came over to our table and chatted with us and brought his mum and dad over for us to meet.

Pam Kiem – “Starlight” will never be the same! Singing it with 550+ voices from 3 different countries was fantastic!

Jen Stackpole Hazlett – Loved it!! Dancing with the Brits was great fun. It felt immediately like family.

Sarah Thompson – The Tarzan song we’re singing in the concert says, “Two worlds, one family.” That says it all . . . it pulls you in – what a great feeling!


Anonymous said...

WOW, what a great picture! You guys look GREAT! SO elegant! Please continue with the stories and comments whenever you get a chance!

Sharon H.
Littlebit/Trouble/Sop 2

Anonymous said...

What a great time was had by us "Brits" while you guys were over here. Like a family vibes are set to continue accross the pond for years to come. Special mentions to Peggy, of the front row crew, Marcia and Bernice. Caroline and Pat X